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COVID-19 Hub

Harnessing Technology in the Mining Industry to Vaccinate Against COVID-19

The mining sector is the beating heart of South Africa’s economy, contributing to 8.2% of…
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3 Reasons why CEOs should care about employee engagement in the workplace

For a long time, discussions about employee engagement were confined to the dark corners of…
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Your 7-step guide to launching an effective internal communication strategy for the mining sector

An effective internal communication strategy creates better alignment between the organisation and its employees. This…
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digital employee communication

5 Ways digital employee communication is a great way to align your workforce

Here is a question for you: when you think of job satisfaction, do you assume…
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workforce management solutions

Why the ROI for workforce management solutions is not one size fits all

Changes implemented within any business are often expected to yield visible, quantifiable results as soon…
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The rise of mobile workforce management solutions in frontline industries

Effectively managing a workforce that spans multiple sites and continents is a serious challenge for…
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employee experience

The 5 elements of an effective employee experience management strategy

The employee experience has gained widespread popularity over the years, and for good reason. Disengaged…
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3 Ways to improve employee engagement in manufacturing

Employee engagement globally presents dismal figures, according to Gallup 78% of employees are disengaged. Frontline employees make…
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The top 5 employee engagement KPIs for frontline employees

Frontline employees are the foundation of many successful organisations, making up to 70% of the world’s workforce. But,…
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employee mental wellness for lockdown

5 mental wellness tips to help your employees cope in lockdown

Today marks 11 weeks since South Africa went into a nationwide lockdown, and although the…
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