Boost Performance and Drive Success: Frontline Employee Learning Innovation – Part 2

Revolutionise Retail Training with Tech Driven Frontline Employee Learning

When we think of frotline employee learning opportunities, the image of traditional training seminars spring to mind – the old “diarise-the-date” events.

While these types of learning avenues do certainly still have their place in the working world, they are inherently very time consuming and are not always practical in the ever-changing world of retail.

Consequently, many organisations are seeking to implement technology-driven training methods to better adapt to both the contemporary workplace as well as changing employee needs.

By providing opportunities for upskilling, businesses are able to meaningfully connect with their employees. In fact engaging directly with staff is one of the best ways to combat turnover. However, as much as companies are in a position to provide skills development opportunities to employees, business leaders also need to be aware that the way workers gather knowledge has changed significantly in recent years.

Mobile applications, online collaboration tools and social media have combined to create and fuel new learning ecosystems. Employees are using these environments to access information and content to assist them with workplace challenges – in many cases this is being done informally.

By making use of centralised digital solutions, which incorporate the best of what these new learning ecosystems have to offer, while providing access to more powerful frontline employee learning tools, companies can take steps in providing better access to skills development. Through digital platforms, like Wyzetalk’s solution, companies can efficiently promote worker engagement, offer diverse and effective training, and promote general collaboration.

Our solution assists organisations in combatting the negative aspects of “old-school” training procedures by providing avenues that address several key pieces of employee education (i.e., induction training, lifelong learning and employee wellness).

Interactive Frontline Employee Learning

Wyzetalks’ interactive platform is uniquely able to equip organisations with varied ways of approaching employee growth, career development and engagement.

By providing a user-friendly and easily accessible system, we enable businesses to deploy programmes that allow for upskilling and empowering workers, without creating disruptions to normal work days.

A recent example is the rise of gamification and its largely positive effect within workplaces. Human beings are naturally competitive and savvy leaders are seeking ways to tap into this competitive spirit within their companies.

Businesses can expect several benefits as a result of creating avenues that promote frontline employee learning in a semi-competitive manner. An almost 90% increase in workplace happiness as a result of gamification, has been reported, in some environments.

Turning important (often interpreted as mundane by employees) training into more enjoyable activities, goes a long way toward keeping employees engaged. Wyzetalk helps achieve this by implementing a leaderboard system with its own achievements and rewards – all targeted at increasing interest in upskilling.

In addition, our approach towards mobile devices allows for business leaders to quickly and easily send out employee-specific links, videos and other forms of multimedia.

The use of video offers powerful communication and training methods to companies. It can be utilised to introduce new products to staff and highlight product features. This can be done in advance of introduction into the retail environment where consumers can purchase the products.

Employees will thus be fully prepared to assist consumers with potential questions and will also have a resource on hand to refresh their knowledge. The value of video for business leaders is that its impact can also fully be understood by means of analytics that are available on our digital platform.

Which parts of videos are most viewed, by whom along with the geographical location of these employees, can give important pointers towards the need for additional training. The structure of videos and content format can also be assessed through comparative analytics – aiding companies in identifying the best approach to video compilation in order to maximise the learning opportunity for employees.

While it can be argued, that digital frontline employee learning may not be as comprehensive as full, in-person sessions. The ability to undertake analysis of the learning offered and how employees are interacting with knowledge sharing opportunities on digital platforms. Can help refine in-person sessions to ensure they are highly impactful.

Real-time Feedback & Performance Analysis

Employee development is as crucial for the organisation as it is for the individual employee. It’s been confirmed that knowledge-empowered workers are more engaged and invested in a business’ success – the challenge lies in effectively gauging how best to aid in employee development.

We provide organisations with the ability to structure learning modules that are widely accessible. By having these courses fit seamlessly into their work routines, employees are able to learn at work and put newly acquired knowledge into practise. Additionally, should they so choose, they can learn outside of their work setting, in their own time.

Managers are able to track individual progress on dashboards, thereby being able to act proactively in addressed performance challenges.

While many employees might be sceptical of workplace assessments (perhaps reminding them of negative formal education and examination experiences), the key is to make them aware that these evaluations are about tracking progress and dealing with any concerns that prevent growth.

Through our instant feedback options for tests, managers are also better able to create positive and authentic feedback loops with employees.

Good communication is at the heart of it all and by being able to efficiently deliver evaluation results, business leaders can avoid controversies and instead focus on continuing to provide positive development opportunities for employees.

Mobile Frontline Employee Learning & Accessibility

Frontline employees are almost constantly subject to hectic work schedules, particularly those that are active in retail work settings. As a result, some feel that they are unable to partake in career development opportunities.

This can link back to perceptions regarding the somewhat outmoded training sessions of yesteryear. Businesses need to push back against this idea of limited educational empowerment through digital solutions.

Available on effectively every handheld device, widespread adoption of our centralised solution isn’t hindered by any hardware concerns. The mobile-first platform assists in keeping internal leaders and their employees connected and informed, extending across all facets of the organisation, including employee development.

By providing consistent access to training modules, regardless of an employee’s location, this solution facilitates lifelong learning and keeps staff engaged and invested in their employer.

Furthermore, this effectively unlimited access provides workers with the ability to set the pace and take their own approach to skills development.

It allows for the easy implementation of various forms of multi-media training courses into employee routines, accommodating their daily duties in the retail environment while continuing to promote growth and empowerment.

Collaboration & Knowledge Sharing

Instant communication – powered by digital solutions – is greatly beneficial for pretty much every individual in a company.

Being able to very quickly provide feedback, commentary and assistance within a company setting is another benefit of a digital solution.

As a centralised platform, our system promotes clear communication and allows for engagement across every tier of a business through its powerful accessibility.

Through features like social learning and discussion forums, retail workers are able to share messages with each other and collaborate to solve any issues they may encounter in their daily work life.

This isn’t just limited to frontline staff, with managers also being able to put forward any relevant information in an efficient manner – particularly useful in high pressure situations where mistakes can be costly.

This facilitation of effective instant feedback (an important part of the training process) helps in fostering this collaborative learning environment.

Shared platforms and collaborative activities are highly productive ways to build up employee engagement and allows them to feel valued within their organisation.

With the vast array of tools that a digital platform places at their disposal, company leaders are further enabled to promote a business culture that emphasises the importance of lifelong learning, empowerment through knowledge and individual career development.

Key Takeaways

Through enhancing the experience of their employees by promoting and fostering a culture of continuous learning for frontline employees, businesses can expect better productivity, improved sales and greater overall engagement from their frontline staff.

By utilising our centralised platform to develop and elevate their training processes and programmes, employers are able to build a sustainable competitive advantage within the retail industry.

Let’s connect to empower your employees today.


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